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The Conservation Commission has started an invasive plant tracking survey project for the town of Washington. You can help us identify where in town there are stands of invasive plants. We hope to map where these plants are found and keep an eye on their spread. In the future we will come up with a strategy for removing these aggressive plants, that outcompete our native plants and destroy native habitat.
Please help by participating in this survey.

Our survey packet is available for pick up at the Town Hall or you can download the packet parts here:

Survey Intro Information

Invasive Plant Guide

Invasive Plant Tracking Form (Printable, mail return)

Digital Invasive Plant Tracking Form (Download, fill out form on your computer and email return)

Please fill out one tracking form for each plant sighting and return them to the Town Hall or mail them to:

Washington Conservation Commission, 7 Halfmoon Pond Road, Washington, NH 03280.

Thank you for taking part in this important survey!