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Information on the Washington Public Works Department Project

One source of pollution compromising the health of the Mill Pond is the sediment and silt build-up caused by the existing road drainage system on Purling Beck Road discharging directly into the pond. This drainage system picks up automobile pollutants and animal waste along with road sediment and releases it directly into the pond. There is a large sediment build-up visible in the pond across from the public beach.

Sediment accumulation in Mill Pond by closed drainage outlet
Photo taken by Erin Darrow on October 16, 2007
(Post-drawdown of Mill Pond Dam)

The plan is to direct the existing drainage system underneath Bear Hill Road into an appropriate treatment system.The easterly two catch basins on Purling Beck Road would be replaced and connected to a treatment system on the Town's land adjacent to Beards Brook, below the dam.The treatment sysytem would consist of a bioretention settling pond. The current outlet at the pond will be removed when the new system is in place.

Aerial and tax map overlay of Mill Pond area

Ed Thayer of the Washington Public Works Department is working with Erin Darrow of Darrow Civil Engineering to do the design and engineering. The final design will depend on factors determined in the engineering analysis and design process. Her emphasis will be to develop a treatment structure that is effective, durable, and cost-efficient. Natural habitat will be considered; native plantings will also help contribute to storm water treatment.

Preliminary proposal map for Mill Pond drainage outlet

The Public Works Department will be doing the settling pond construction and redirecting of the existing drainage system during the summer as well as removal of the existing drain and sediment build up.

Check back here for more information and the final design as it becomes available.